No gunfires, explosions, incendiaries etc. during
the event

Rules of the exhibition
- Is a NEW fair and will takes place in Thessaloniki - GREECE, at the ''Thessaloniki War Museum'' .
- Type of stands: 3 x 3 meter stands.
- Price is 300 Euro per stand. Includes 2 tables 2 chairs, lights, free electricity.
- Stallholders can set up their stand one day before the Exhibition Date and can pack up one day after the end.
- The fair is open to the public from 9 a.m. till 10 p.m. Entrance fee is 5 Euro. There is free entrance for all kids -16 years.
- Stallholders are expected to help maintain the exhibition area in a clean condition.
- Weapons: NO weapons, NO ammunition, no explosives are permitted at the exhibition.
- It is forbidden to sell, exchange or display any item that could lead to xenophobia or racial policy.
- All exhibitors must comply with the Greek legislation and in particular the fiscal regulations. The organization cannot be held responsible if exhibitors will be not in order in case of a control.
- The exhibition will not be responsible for : theft, loss of or damage to the stands or its contents,
- For accidents or any personal injury sustained during the exhibition.
- All damage caused by a participant or a visitor shall be repaired at his expense.
- Minors: Minors will only be admitted to the event, accompanied by an adult.
- Sell to minors Is forbidden.
- Pets are not allowed to enter to the War Museum
- Loss or damage to a table or material we ask for compensation.
- All participants should obey instructions of the military personnel, the organization stuff and security personnel.
- NO political printing or any other document, are allowed, articles or products that, according to the exhibition, can harm the reputation and success of the Exhibition.
- Participating in the Exhibition is only possible after receipt of the Registration form and after payment.
- After booking you will receive a payment invitation by mail or fax.
- Do not pay until you receive our payment invitation.
- Payment must be made within 30 days before the Exhibition Date .
- After your payment you will receive an invoice.
- The reservation will be cancelled If you have reserved, but not paid on time.
- Your participation is only final after payment.
- you can Cancel30 days before the Exhibition. Costs for this are 27 Euro. If cancelled after the 30th day prior to the Exhibition, no refund will be possible.
- The organization has the right to refuse any booking and this without statement of motive.
- Prices include VAT.